
My work as a writer and editor, as well as work in my community, circles themes of equity and inclusion, creativity, and the environment. I hold a PhD that spans the natural and social sciences and am adjunct professor in Women’s Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University. I’ve lived most of my life in Atlantic Canada but have also spent many years in western Canada, central Canada, and South Africa. I identify as a descendant of European settlers and am grateful to currently reside in beautiful E’se’katik (near Lunenburg) in southwest Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia).


I write short fiction, creative nonfiction, and feature articles, usually on themes of women, community, and the environment. I have also published numerous scholarly articles on environmental science, policy, and justice.


I am the Founder and Editor of Understorey Magazine and Managing Editor of Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture, and Social Justice. As a freelance editor, I have worked with magazine and book publishers, non-profit organizations, and individual writers and scholars.

Writing on Writing

Photo of magazines on a newstand

“6 Things I’ve Learned Publishing a Literary Magazine for 10 Years.”

Why literary magazines are essential and how we can better support them.

Speaking Events



Instagram: @katherinejbarrett

LinkedIn: kathjbarrett

Preferred pronouns: she/her